For many high school seniors, deciding which college to attend can be a painstakingly difficult decision. But the 酴圖弝け is making that process easier for prospective college students by hosting Senior Den Day on Nov. 5.


Check-in will be from 8:30-9:30 a.m. at the Stubblefield Center. The event continues until 12:30 p.m.


Current 酴圖弝け students will share their experiences of what its like to be a college student, and the prospective students will have a chance to learn about living on campus, their degree program of interest, financial aid and scholarships. Free food and T-shirts will be given away at the event.


Todd Koch of Greenwood, 酴圖弝け admissions officer, said Senior Den Day gives prospective students the opportunity to ask University representatives the questions that really matter to the average student.


Its an event that brings local seniors in high school on our campus to get a feel for a college atmosphere while gaining insight into the decision-making process of how to pick the right university, he said.


Koch said that parents are also able to receive information about 酴圖弝け, information that might not have been available through their students high school counselor.


They are able to come directly to the source and ask the tough questions about financial aid, housing, campus safety, and anything else they want to know, Koch said.


The admissions office is expecting approximately 1,100 seniors to attend, according to Koch.


Students can register online at . For more information, call toll free at 888-512-LION.


Story ID: 
Date Posted: 
Friday, October 18, 2013
News Teaser: 
For many high school seniors, deciding which college to attend can be a painstakingly difficult decision. But the 酴圖弝け is making that process easier for prospective college students by hosting Senior Den Day on Nov. 5.