danielle emery

Danielle Emery

Danielle Emery loves a challenge.


Its what motivates her in her studies at the University of Arkansas Fort Smith, but its also what motivated her to apply for and gain acceptance to a competitive summer internship with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).


Emery, an accounting major from Hackett, spent 10 weeks working for the FBI office in Fort Smith this summer, where she assisted bureau agents with serving subpoenas and search warrants, sat in on lawyers and agents strategizing on case work, and helped with cases pertaining to white collar crime.


I loved that it wasnt a desk job. While the work itself was enjoyable because it was fresh and new, I was also able to learn about myself through this experience, she said. There were no typical days. Every day, I was placed in front of a complex investigative challenge, and most days, I had no idea what I would encounter. These unique challenges were the fun part, because there really wasnt a right or wrong way to do it, you just relied on your own creativity.


Working for the FBI had always been a dream of Emerys that spawned from a passion for helping people.


Helping others is really what I love doing. Its so rewarding, Emery said. The FBI does it on a different level, and that was something that intrigued me. You leave at the end of the day knowing that you have contributed to something that has protected the United States. Thats not something you get on every corner.


But when she applied for the internship, she did not expect to get it. The odds werent in her favor more than 15,000 people applied for the internships nationwide, and only 900 would be selected.


Even when she got the call for the first interview, she didnt have high hopes.


I thought I blew it, she said. Then, when they called me a few months later and told me I had been selected, I couldnt believe it. You shoot for your dreams thinking that you cant reach them, then you actually do. Its very motivating.


Even though the internship has ended, Emery is continuing to work there on a part-time basis and hopes to earn full-time employment after graduation.


But even if she doesnt end up at the FBI, the unique and challenging experience helped advance her career.


At the FBI, youre held to a higher standard. Future employers will know Im a professional, and thats definitely needed in the accounting world, Emery said. With everything I was able to experience, I discovered that I am capable of so much more than I gave myself credit for. And because of that, it has set me up for future success.


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The University of Arkansas Fort Smith is the premiere regional institution of Western Arkansas, connecting education with careers and serving as a driver of economic development and quality of place in the greater Fort Smith region. Small class sizes, dedicated faculty and staff, affordable tuition rates, and a diverse on-campus culture allow 酴圖弝け students to fully explore their areas of interest in ways that prepare them for post-graduate success academically, professionally, and personally.


Article by John Post, Director of Public Information
Date Posted: 
Thursday, September 7, 2017
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