Fort Smith, resident and 酴圖弝け alumna Charolette Tidwell has been selected as one of the 2017 Women of Worth Honorees by LOr矇al Paris for her outstanding work with Antioch for Youth & Family, a nonprofit organization that provides supplemental food assistance to approximately 7,000 people in the community, in addition to youth development services and family assistance through a variety of personal enrichment programs. Tidwell is one of 10 women in the country to receive the prestigious Women of Worth award this year, for her charitable efforts and perseverance in making a difference in the community.


To support Tidwell and her important cause, vote for her to become the National Honoree and recipient of an additional $25,000. You can cast your vote once per day through November 29:


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Being a Women of Worth honoree validates my journey to renew their hope and it now gives me an even stronger platform to nourish the minds, bodies and souls of my community, Tidwell said.


Tidwells natural passion for caretaking led her to pursue a long and fulfilling career in nursing. Rather than retiring, she found a new way to keep helping people, and founded Antioch for Youth and Family to combat her hometowns hunger crisis. Focusing on family nutrition, mentorship for at-risk youth and elderly care, Tidwells organization provides resources to more than 10,400 people in need, with more than 800,000 meals each year. She also spearheaded the development of a community garden to source fresh produce for her pantry, while providing more than 1,000 schoolchildren with opportunities for garden-based STEM learning.


Antioch for Youth and Family is a non-profit organization that provides meals to the Western Arkansas community, where one-in-five people are food insecure. The organization delivers food to low-income, elderly, disabled and struggling families, as well as food insecure children at elementary schools. In addition to the food delivery service, Antioch for Youth and Family established a seed-to-table farming initiative that focuses on family nutrition. The organizations outreach efforts support and inspire at-risk children, deliver kindness to low-income nursing facilities and provide heartfelt family guidance and assistance to those in need throughout the community.


This years ten Women of Worth Honorees represent women of very diverse ages, backgrounds and circumstances who are working daily to improve the lives of the people they serve, said Tim Coolican, President, LOr矇al Paris. It is the greatest honor to help these extraordinary women expand their reach, touch more lives, and create even more positive change throughout the world, added Karen T. Fondu, President Emeritus and Chairwoman of LOr矇al Paris Women of Worth.


Date Posted: 
Thursday, November 2, 2017
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